Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs - Drumming & Singing With Kyle and John: The purpose of this ongoing group is to learn the craft of drum making and also learn Lakota Ceremonial songs.

Akichita Veteran’s Day Celebration

Duwamish Longhouse 4705 W. Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Akichita Veteran's Day Celebration: All Veterans, Dancers and Drums are invited. 12pm - 5pm, BBQ Dinner.

Paddle Carving

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Paddle Carving: Come learn the art of Paddle Carving with Duane Summers (Duwamish).

Paddle Carving

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Paddle Carving: Come learn the art of Paddle Carving with Duane Summers (Duwamish).

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs - Drumming & Singing With Kyle and John: The purpose of this ongoing group is to learn the craft of drum making and also learn Lakota Ceremonial songs.

Learn to Make Your Own Flute

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Learn to Make Your Own Flute: With Peter Ali Flutist - Provided are all supplies to make a flute, lunch and refreshments.

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs - Drumming & Singing With Kyle and John: The purpose of this ongoing group is to learn the craft of drum making and also learn Lakota Ceremonial songs.

Paddle Carving

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Paddle Carving: Come learn the art of Paddle Carving with Duane Summers (Duwamish).

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Drum Making, Drumming and Ceremonial Songs - Drumming & Singing With Kyle and John: The purpose of this ongoing group is to learn the craft of drum making and also learn Lakota Ceremonial songs.

Holiday Party

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Save the Date! Holiday Party: Decoration making, Gingerbread House and Teepee making, Photo with NDN Santa, Gifts for the kids, Food, Hot chocolate, Door prizes.

Paddle Carving

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Paddle Carving: Come learn the art of Paddle Carving with Duane Summers (Duwamish).


Akichita Veteran Warriors – Art Expressions

Wellbriety 1103 W. Meeker St., Kent, WA, United States

Come join our first female cohort of Native Warriors to create expressions in writing and visual art. All supplies are provided and refreshments offered. Email: akichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.comTel: 916-889-3773

Vietnam Veterans Day

Duwamish Longhouse 4705 W. Marginal Way SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Vietnam Veterans Day: All Dancers and Drums Welcome. Lunch and Veterans Honoring.

Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Expressions

Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Expressions: Come join our female Native Women Warriors to create expressions in writing and visual art. All supplies are provided and refreshments offered.

Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Expressions

Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Expressions: Come join our female Veteran Warriors to create expressions in writing and visual art. All supplies are provided and refreshments offered.

Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Class

Akichita Veteran Warriors Invites our Native Women Warriors to create expressions in writing and visual art in a safe space. All materials are provided and refreshments offered. RSVP: Donna Touth'le Baker  akichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.com

CANCELED – Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Expressions

CANCELED - Akichita Veteran Warriors Art Expressions This event was canceled. Next month, join our female Veteran Warriors to create expressions in writing and visual art. All supplies are provided and refreshments offered. RSVP:  akichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.com

Folklife Festival 5/24/2024

Seattle Center Unkitawa Stage Area Unkitawa Presents: Social and Schools and Culture Day Teepee Raising, Ground Blessing, Indigenous Performers, Drumming, Music, and Community Dancing! Friday, May 24, 2024 Schedule of Events 9:00-12:00 Teepee Raising. Set Up All Infrastructure and Hospitality. Gary La Pointe 10:00 Ground Blessing 12:00 Plains Style Social Dancing. Spearfish Drum: Coko Kahclamat; […]

Folklife Festival 5/25/2024

Seattle Center Unkitawa Stage Area Unkitawa Presents: Traditional Showcase Day Canoe Arrival, Veteran's Talking Circle/Blessing, Folk Music, Flutist, Story Tellers, Haida Singer, Demonstration Powwow Dancing, Electic Cloggers, and More! Saturday, May 25, 2024 Schedule of Events 8:00 Canoe Arrival (TBD) 10:00 Veterans Talking Circle/Blessing 11:00 Kevin Cummings: Folk/Ballad/Musician 12:00 Peter Ali Flutist/Story Teller 1:00 Swil […]

Folklife Festival 5/26/2024

Seattle Center Unkitawa Stage Area Unkitawa Presents: Indigenous Celebration Day Ground Blessing/Honor Songs, Folk Dance/Red River Jig, SongCatchers, Hoop Dancing, Aztec Dancing and Music, and more. Sunday, May 26, 2024 Schedule of Events 10:00 Ground Blessing/Honor Songs 12:00 Devin Leger - Folk Dance/Red River Jig 1:00 Songcatchers - Arlie Neskahi 2:00 Ryan Yellowjohn - Hoop […]

Folklife Festival 5/27/2024

Seattle Center Unkitawa Stage Area Unkitawa Presents: Veterans Powwow Ground blessings and welcoming of all Veterans, first call; drums, flags, dancers and Veterans, grand entry, Veterans honor dance, Intertribal, category dancing, tee-pee and canoe departure, exit colors, and more. Monday, May 27, 204 Schedule of Events 10:00 Grounds Blessing and Opening Prayer; Welcoming of All […]

Women’s Art Expressions

Akichita Veteran Warriors Invites our Native Women Warriors to create expressions in writing and visual art in a safe space. All materials are provided and refreshments offered. RSVP: Donna Touth'le Bakerakichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.com

Woman Veteran’s Art Expressions

Akichita Veteran Warriors Invites our Female Veterans to create expressions in writing and visual art in a safe space. All materials are provided and refreshments offered. RSVP: Donna Touth'le Bakerakichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.com

Kent Farmers Market Trip

Join us at the Kent Farmers Market for a tour and recipes using in-season foods! Participating families will receive a stipend to use at the market! All materials are provided and refreshments offered. Limited Spots. Please RSVP with family size and preferred outing date by emailing: wellness@unkitawa.org

Art Expressions Women Veterans Event

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

Akichita Veteran Warriors Invites our Female Veterans to create expressions in writing and visual art in a safe space. All materials are provided and refreshments offered. RSVP: Donna Touth'le Bakerakichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.com

Art Expressions Women Veterans

Come join Donna & create in a Safe Space. All art supplies are provided. Snacks and beverages available. Inviting our Female Veterans on Sat Oct 19th from 12pm to 3pm. […]

Veterans Arts & Crafts

Unkitawa Headquarters 816 Central Ave. N., Kent, WA, United States

More Information Coming Soon

Art Expressions: Women Veterans

Women Veterans please come create an ornament & spread some holiday cheer, in a safe space. We will be meeting at Unkitawa (lower level), dress warmly! All supplies and snacks provided. Please RSVP to akichitawarriorsofunkitawa@gmail.com